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4. What defects or negative attributes can olive oil have?The characteristics that denote the poor quality of olive oil can be: Dirty. Characteristic that demonstrates a defective settling or contact with the water extracted from the fruits during pressing. Fermented or Fusty. It indicates that the olive took a long time to be processed and suffered high degrees of fermentation. Deleted. Olive oil that has not maintained its typical flavor or aroma, which may come from product mixtures. Winey-vinegar-acid-sour. The taste is reminiscent of wine or vinegar, caused by the high presence of acetic acid and methanol, as a result of old and deteriorating olives when extracted. Rancid. The oxidized fat aroma flavor indicates that the product has been exposed to air. Mold. Olive oil attacked by mold when stored. Earth. Earthy flavor may explain the lack of cleanliness in the olives pressing process. Metalized. Metallic flavor indicates that the oil has been in contact with metals longer than necessary.
14. Is there any relationship between the classification of olive oil and its culinary use?Yes, the choice of olive oil must be adjusted to the meal at all times, so an extra virgin olive oil, due to its quality and character, should be used to finish a dish or to season raw foods so that it is possible to taste all flavors and aromas. On the other hand, virgin olive oil is better suited for foods that require some cooking, while refined olive oil should only be used for frying processes.
3. What is the adult age of an Olive tree?At the age of 20, the olive tree reaches adulthood and the optimum point of production. Slow-growing, it is possible to bear fruit from the fifth year onwards, as long as it is in the most favorable conditions, but it only develops fully at the age of 20. Its period of maturity and full production occurs between 35 and 150 years, at which point it ages and its income becomes irregular.
6. In confectionery, how can I replace margarine with olive oil?In your recipes for sweets and cakes, you can always opt for olive oil, the healthier fat, following the following proportions:
2. Is refined olive oil of better quality?No. A refined oil results from an oil unfit for consumption (lampante olive oil) which, after adding caustic soda to reduce acidity, washing, heating and intense filtration to remove odors, flavors and color, results in an oil without odor, color and neutral. The process also removes all of the health-promoting vitamins and oils. If virgin or extra virgin olive oil is mixed with the final product, typically in an amount of less than 20%, it can be marketed to the general public, but only under the designation of “Olive oil, contains refined olive oil and virgin olive oil or extra virgin” showing some color and flavor.
13. What is the recommended consumption of Extra Virgin olive oil?According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the intake of extra virgin olive oil should be limited to two tablespoons per day, about 23g, replacing saturated fats in the diet.
9. Is a good quality olive oil “spicy”?Yes, the more “spicy” an oil is, the greater the presence of phenolic compounds, the product's natural antioxidants and, normally, indicative of a good quality oil. This characteristic is still closely associated with the variety, stage of maturity of the olive when harvested and procedures used during its processing.
1. What is the origin of the name of Olive Oil (Azeite in portuguese)?The term oil derives from the Arabic azzail or az-zait, which in Hebrew is expressed as zait, in Egyptian as djôit or zoit and which means olive juice, since it preserves the aroma, flavor, vitamins, antioxidants and all the properties of the fruit.
7. Can olive oil be used for frying?Yes, the maximum heating point for oil is 210º C (when it starts to smoke), substantially higher than the ideal temperature for frying food (180º C). Actually, olive oil is the ideal fat for fried foods, because in addition to resisting high temperatures, not undergoing any structural changes, it retains its nutritional value better than other oils, due to the presence and richness in antioxidants and also due to the its high levels of oleic acid. For your information, we left the smoke point of other cooking fats that are widely used in everyday life: Butter, 110ºC; Margarine, 150ºC; Corn and rapeseed oil, 160ºC; Soybean and sunflower oil, 170ºC; Peanut oil, 220ºC; Palm oil, 240ºC.
12. Why does Extra Virgin Olive Oil act as an anti-inflammatory?After extraction, several scientists discovered that olive oil has a high concentration of canthal oil, which produces an anti-inflammatory effect with effects similar to ibuprofen, a common non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drug, with four tablespoons of olive oil giving the equivalent to about 10% of the recommended dose of ibuprofen for pain relief in an adult. Studies also reveal that the balanced and prolonged consumption of small amounts of extra virgin olive oil may be responsible, in part, for the low incidence of heart disease associated with the Mediterranean diet.
5. Which extra virgin olive oil is most appropriate for a meal?Extra virgin olive oils with a milder flavor (ripe fruity), are ideal for dressing salads and foods with a milder flavor, as well as for confectionery. On the other hand, foods with a stronger flavor combine with extra virgin olive oils with a more intense flavor (light, medium or intense green fruit), being used for the preparation of some sauces, for example.
8. Why do some oils have a more intense green color?The green color of the oil is associated with the greater or lesser presence of chlorophyll in the olive (a natural green pigment), which does not influence the sensory quality of the oil, eventually it can impart more bitter sensory notes. Depending on the variety of olive and its degree of maturation, the level of chlorophyll can be higher or lower, giving more greenish or more yellow oils.
10. Why is extra virgin olive oil so relevant to health?Extra virgin olive oil is, most likely, the healthiest fat whose juice is extracted from the olive by a process of pressure or centrifugation, at low temperature, right after harvesting. The content of free fatty acids, expressed in oleic acid and its qualities make it an excellent and unparalleled ingredient in a healthy diet or weight loss plan, as it inhibits the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. On the other hand, the high concentration of monounsaturated fat, oleic acid, has contributed to the reduction of the risk of coronary diseases, to the reduction of the risk of heart diseases, and may also contribute to the regulation of sugar and insulin levels in the blood. Another benefit of extra virgin olive oil is its ability to displace omega-6 fatty acids, having no effect on omega-3 fatty acids, helping to bring about a healthier balance between omega-6 fats and fats. omega-3. Thus, and unlike saturated fats, extra virgin olive oil reduces total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels in the blood, and its ability to lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure is also known. It contains antioxidants such as vitamin E, carotenoids and oleuropein, a chemical that can help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein particles.
11. What are the antioxidants present in extra virgin olive oil?Extra virgin olive oil contains a wide variety of antioxidants that are not found in other oils, mainly natural phenols with antioxidant properties, which, tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol esters, including oleocanthal and oleuropein, give it its bitter and spicy taste, without any chemical processing. Extra virgin olive oil is known to be a source of at least 30 phenolic compounds, whose composition has several medicinal benefits.
Les meilleures huiles d'olive du Portugal

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